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Africa030 - Orange Prehnite, Apophyllite-(KOH), Xonotlite and Datolite - N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Africa030 - Orange Prehnite, Apophyllite-(KOH), Xonotlite and Datolite - N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa #1Africa030 - Orange Prehnite, Apophyllite-(KOH), Xonotlite and Datolite - N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa #2Africa030 - Orange Prehnite, Apophyllite-(KOH), Xonotlite and Datolite - N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa #3Africa030 - Orange Prehnite, Apophyllite-(KOH), Xonotlite and Datolite - N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa #4

A very small find of orange prehnite was discovered in March 2000 at the N'Chwaning II Mine. This is a superb miniature from that find, with the typical associations of tabular hydroxyapophyllite (to 9 mm), white xonotlite, and microcrystals of clear datolite. The prehnite habit is similar to the inesite found at this location.

Good specimens of this find are very rare and seldom on the market. This example is from my personal collection. (See Rocks & Minerals, March-April 2002, Spectacular minerals from the Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa, Gutzmer and Cairncross.) 4.9 x 3.4 x 2.9 cm.

Price: $1,000.00
976.10 £822.70 ¥157,765