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Brazil028 - Titanite and Albite with Epidote - Fazenda Rubin Pimenta Mine, Capelinha, Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, Brazil

Brazil028 - Titanite and Albite with Epidote - Fazenda Rubin Pimenta Mine, Capelinha, Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, Brazil #1Brazil028 - Titanite and Albite with Epidote - Fazenda Rubin Pimenta Mine, Capelinha, Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, Brazil #2Brazil028 - Titanite and Albite with Epidote - Fazenda Rubin Pimenta Mine, Capelinha, Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, Brazil #3Brazil028 - Titanite and Albite with Epidote - Fazenda Rubin Pimenta Mine, Capelinha, Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, Brazil #4Brazil028 - Titanite and Albite with Epidote - Fazenda Rubin Pimenta Mine, Capelinha, Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, Brazil #5

This old specimen features a gemmy green 2.5 cm titanite crystal on matrix. There are also several sharp crystals of albite to 1.1 cm. The matrix is covered in sharp transparent microcrystals of epidote and titanite which are wonderful under magnification! The specimen comes with an old Commercial Mineral Corp. label; there is a handwritten price of $50 on the reverse. 4.4 x 3.7 x 3.4 cm.

Price: $175.00
169.51 £141.30 ¥26,660