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Burma007 - Mushroom Tourmaline - Momeik, Mogok, Shan State, Burma (Myanmar)

Burma007 - Mushroom Tourmaline - Momeik, Mogok, Shan State, Burma (Myanmar) #1Burma007 - Mushroom Tourmaline - Momeik, Mogok, Shan State, Burma (Myanmar) #2Burma007 - Mushroom Tourmaline - Momeik, Mogok, Shan State, Burma (Myanmar) #3Burma007 - Mushroom Tourmaline - Momeik, Mogok, Shan State, Burma (Myanmar) #4Burma007 - Mushroom Tourmaline - Momeik, Mogok, Shan State, Burma (Myanmar) #5

Excellent specimen of "mushroom" tourmaline on matrix from the finds in 2003 and 2004. The largest mushroom measures 3.1 cm across and has an excellent raspberry color and good translucency. I have seen studies indicating that the tourmaline has a schorl core with a red overgrowth of either elbaite or olenite (another tourmaline group mineral.) Overall size is 4.3 x 3.9 x 2.8 cm.

Price: $350.00
324.17 £270.20 ¥52,722