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Gem023 - Corundum var. Ruby - Jagdalak Ruby Mine, Sorobi District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan

Gem023 - Corundum var. Ruby - Jagdalak Ruby Mine, Sorobi District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan #1Gem023 - Corundum var. Ruby - Jagdalak Ruby Mine, Sorobi District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan #2


A superb, 1.7 cm ruby crystal on matrix from this historic gem mining area. The crystal is highly translucent with a deep red, "pigeon's-blood" color. The ruby also shows sharp crystal faces and a fine hexagonal form. Overall, a great gem specimen which also is quite aesthetic in form. The ruby fluoresces a bright red under LW UV, while the matrix fluoresces white. 3.4 x 2.2 x 1.3 cm.

Price: $2,500.00
2,315.50 £1,930.00 ¥376,586