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USA109 - Heulandite-Ca on Mordenite - Rats Nest Claim, Challis, Custer County, Idaho

USA109 - Heulandite-Ca on Mordenite - Rats Nest Claim, Challis, Custer County, Idaho #1USA109 - Heulandite-Ca on Mordenite - Rats Nest Claim, Challis, Custer County, Idaho #2USA109 - Heulandite-Ca on Mordenite - Rats Nest Claim, Challis, Custer County, Idaho #3

At the InnSuites, I visited with John Cornish, who owns the Rats Nest Claim in Idaho. This claim produces the finest heulandite in North America. In my opinion, the best from this claim can hold its own with the finest Indian specimens. The contrast between the pink-orange heulandite and the creamy white mordenite is exceptionally attractive. John had some great specimens at very nice prices, so I picked up a small lot to offer on the web. For more information on this claim, please see this online article.

This attractive specimen features zoned heulandite crystals to 2.4 cm. The color ranges from a medium pink at the base to almost colorless at the tips. The heulandite is lustrous, transparent to translucent, and undamaged. 6.3 x 4.3 x 4.3 cm.

Price: $110.00
101.88 £84.92 ¥16,570