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USA157 - Topaz - Tribute Pocket, Pikes Peak, Teller County, Colorado, USA

USA157 - Topaz - Tribute Pocket, Pikes Peak, Teller County, Colorado, USA #1USA157 - Topaz - Tribute Pocket, Pikes Peak, Teller County, Colorado, USA #2USA157 - Topaz - Tribute Pocket, Pikes Peak, Teller County, Colorado, USA #3USA157 - Topaz - Tribute Pocket, Pikes Peak, Teller County, Colorado, USA #4USA157 - Topaz - Tribute Pocket, Pikes Peak, Teller County, Colorado, USA #5

321 Carats; 2012 Find

At the 2013 Tucson Show, Joe Dorris had many specimens of etched sherry-colored topaz from Colorado. They were from the rediscovery by Rich Fretterd and Jean Cowman of the legendary 1930's-era Ed Over locality. The topaz are finely colored and lustrous, with preferentially etched faces. I purchased the four finest miniatures, all of which are gem-quality, doubly-terminated and transparent.

This crystal is one of the best of the lot, with superb terminations and excellent color. The prism faces are highly etched, while the terminations are etched but highly lustrous. The crystal is complete all around and is completely clear on one side, as shown in the photos. 4.5 x 4.2 x 2.6 cm.

Please note that none of these photos are backlit! The crystal is so clear that the reflections from the glass platform show through and highlight the color. As with all sherry-colored topazes, I recommend that these be stored away from UV light to preserve the color. Although I believe they are color-fast, it cannot be guaranteed.

Price: $2,700.00
2,500.74 £2,084.40 ¥406,713
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