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Afg011 - Spodumene - Konar Valley, Konar Province, Afghanistan

Afg011 - Spodumene - Konar Valley, Konar Province, Afghanistan #1Afg011 - Spodumene - Konar Valley, Konar Province, Afghanistan #2Afg011 - Spodumene - Konar Valley, Konar Province, Afghanistan #3Afg011 - Spodumene - Konar Valley, Konar Province, Afghanistan #4

Fluorescent; Twinned Crystal

Excellent crystal of very gemmy, pale yellow-green spodumene. The crystal fluoresces a deep salmon color under LW UV. Some minor edge wear, otherwise in excellent condition. Comes with a custom lucite base. All photos by Joe Budd. 14.3 x 2.9 x 2.7 cm.

Price: $3,250.00
3,147.95 £2,624.05 ¥495,118
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