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Afg017 - Fluorapatite on Quartz - Nuristan, Laghman Province, Afghanistan

Afg017 - Fluorapatite on Quartz - Nuristan, Laghman Province, Afghanistan #1Afg017 - Fluorapatite on Quartz - Nuristan, Laghman Province, Afghanistan #2Afg017 - Fluorapatite on Quartz - Nuristan, Laghman Province, Afghanistan #3Afg017 - Fluorapatite on Quartz - Nuristan, Laghman Province, Afghanistan #4Afg017 - Fluorapatite on Quartz - Nuristan, Laghman Province, Afghanistan #5

Lovely specimen of small lavender fluorapatite crystals covering quartz crystals on matrix. The apatite has excellent luster and color. The largest quartz crystal measures 1.5 cm. Much better in person! No damage. 9.8 x 6.1 x 4.9 cm.

Price: $700.00
678.02 £565.18 ¥106,641