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Africa057 - Twinned Cerussite - Touissit, Oujda, Morocco

Africa057 - Twinned Cerussite - Touissit, Oujda, Morocco #1Africa057 - Twinned Cerussite - Touissit, Oujda, Morocco #2

This excellent Moroccan twinned cerussite is from the Arnold Goldstein collection. As can be seen in the photos, the cerussite is very gemmy and colorless, with well-defined surface growth patterns. Some minor edgewear is visible under magnification but the specimen displays very well. The luster is glassy - about as good as cerussite gets. 3.6 x 2.5 x 1.9 cm.

Price: $300.00
290.58 £242.22 ¥45,703