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Africa105 - Carrollite on Calcite - Kamoya South II Mine, Kambove, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo

Africa105 - Carrollite on Calcite - Kamoya South II Mine, Kambove, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo #1Africa105 - Carrollite on Calcite - Kamoya South II Mine, Kambove, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo #2Africa105 - Carrollite on Calcite - Kamoya South II Mine, Kambove, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo #3

Nice 1.2 cm, complex, lustrous crystal of this rare sulfide mineral. The additional smaller crystals are mostly quite nice as well, although there is some scattered contacts and minor damage as shown in the photos. 7.7 x 6.7 x 5.0 cm.

Price: $500.00
484.30 £403.70 ¥76,172
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