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EMR-I152 - Canavesite - Brosso Mine, Cálea, Léssolo, Canavese District, Torino Province, Piedmont, Italy

EMR-I152 - Canavesite - Brosso Mine, Cálea, Léssolo, Canavese District, Torino Province, Piedmont, Italy #1EMR-I152 - Canavesite - Brosso Mine, Cálea, Léssolo, Canavese District, Torino Province, Piedmont, Italy #2EMR-I152 - Canavesite - Brosso Mine, Cálea, Léssolo, Canavese District, Torino Province, Piedmont, Italy #3

Ex. Edward Rosenzweig Collection

From the type locality, an extremely rich specimen of this rare borate with crystals to about 2 mm. There are also scattered balls of dypingite in association. On a typical ludwigite matrix. From my personal collection. 9.8 x 7.3 x 3.0 cm.

Price: $250.00
231.55 £193.00 ¥37,659