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EMR-I156 - Pyromorphite - Crabulazzu Mine, Arbus, Media Campidano Province, Sardinia, Italy

EMR-I156 - Pyromorphite - Crabulazzu Mine, Arbus, Media Campidano Province, Sardinia, Italy #1EMR-I156 - Pyromorphite - Crabulazzu Mine, Arbus, Media Campidano Province, Sardinia, Italy #2EMR-I156 - Pyromorphite - Crabulazzu Mine, Arbus, Media Campidano Province, Sardinia, Italy #3EMR-I156 - Pyromorphite - Crabulazzu Mine, Arbus, Media Campidano Province, Sardinia, Italy #4

Collection of Edward Rosenzweig

Good representative specimen of green, translucent pyromorphite from this famous Sardinian locality. The pyromorphite measures to about 2 mm. From my personal collection. 9.1 x 6.6 x 5.6 cm.

Price: $135.00
131.07 £110.51 ¥21,200
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