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Europe057 - Titanite on Orthoclase var. Adularia - Burg-Fiesch Glacier Area, Fiesch, Goms, Wallis, Switzerland

Europe057 - Titanite on Orthoclase var. Adularia - Burg-Fiesch Glacier Area, Fiesch, Goms, Wallis, Switzerland #1Europe057 - Titanite on Orthoclase var. Adularia - Burg-Fiesch Glacier Area, Fiesch, Goms, Wallis, Switzerland #2Europe057 - Titanite on Orthoclase var. Adularia - Burg-Fiesch Glacier Area, Fiesch, Goms, Wallis, Switzerland #3

Classic alpine specimen of translucent adularia sprinkled with tiny titanite crystals. The main crystal is quite large (13.5 cm) and doubly-terminated. Minimal edge wear. 13.5 x 10.5 x 4.0 cm.

Price: $170.00
164.66 £137.26 ¥25,898
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