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Gem122 - Corundum var. Ruby - Jagdalak Ruby Mine, Sorobi District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan

Gem122 - Corundum var. Ruby - Jagdalak Ruby Mine, Sorobi District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan #1Gem122 - Corundum var. Ruby - Jagdalak Ruby Mine, Sorobi District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan #2


Excellent specimen of three translucent, purplish red ruby crystals from this historic gem mining district. The largest crystal is 1.4 x 1.1 cm and has great luster. The ruby fluoresces a bright red under LW UV. 2.6 x 1.7 x 1.5 cm.

Price: $1,100.00
1,018.82 £849.20 ¥165,698