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Gem128 - Corundum var. Sapphire - Kataragama, Moneragala District, Uva Province, Sri Lanka

Gem128 - Corundum var. Sapphire - Kataragama, Moneragala District, Uva Province, Sri Lanka #1Gem128 - Corundum var. Sapphire - Kataragama, Moneragala District, Uva Province, Sri Lanka #2Gem128 - Corundum var. Sapphire - Kataragama, Moneragala District, Uva Province, Sri Lanka #3Gem128 - Corundum var. Sapphire - Kataragama, Moneragala District, Uva Province, Sri Lanka #4Gem128 - Corundum var. Sapphire - Kataragama, Moneragala District, Uva Province, Sri Lanka #5Gem128 - Corundum var. Sapphire - Kataragama, Moneragala District, Uva Province, Sri Lanka #6

5.60 Carats; 2012 Find

Wow! This is probably the best sapphire crystal I have seen for the quality of its color and clarity - almost all have been cut! Superb, cornflower blue sapphire crystal from the small, one-time find at Kataragama. Most of the sapphire from this find was cut for faceted stones as the color and clarity were exceptional. I purchased this crystal from a Sri Lankan gemologist who visited the find. In addition to its amazing transparency and color, the luster is superb, with almost a polished quality to its faces. 5.60 carats. 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm.

For more information on this find, see Gems and Gemology, Summer 2012, pages 98-107.

Price: $1,800.00
1,667.16 £1,389.60 ¥271,142