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USA028 - Microcline var. Amazonite and Muscovite - Lake George, Park Co., Colorado, USA

USA028 - Microcline var. Amazonite and Muscovite - Lake George, Park Co., Colorado, USA #1USA028 - Microcline var. Amazonite and Muscovite - Lake George, Park Co., Colorado, USA #2

Ex. Richard Kosnar Collection

Superb grouping of semi-translucent, blue-green amazonite with an attached muscovite crystal. The amazonite has top-color, good luster, and sharp crystal faces; the doubly-terminated crystals measure to 2.7 cm. Collected by Richard Kosnar in 1977 and has his collection number on the bottom. 3.7 x 2.8 x 2.1 cm.

Price: $250.00
242.15 £201.85 ¥38,086
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