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USA031 - Epidote - Miracle Mountain Mine, Garnet Hill, Calaveras Co., California, USA

USA031 - Epidote - Miracle Mountain Mine, Garnet Hill, Calaveras Co., California, USA #1USA031 - Epidote - Miracle Mountain Mine, Garnet Hill, Calaveras Co., California, USA #2

Ex. Ed David Collection

Excellent, single crystal of epidote measuring 3.5 x 1.9 cm with an attached amphibole crystal (possibly actinolite). The epidote is semi-translucent, with bright green color on the edges when strongly backlit. A fine example for this classic American locality from the Ed David collection. His number appears on the reverse. Hard to find on the market now. 5.6 x 1.9 x 1.4 cm.

Price: $120.00
111.14 £92.64 ¥18,076
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