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USA065 - Smithsonite - Kelly Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro Co., New Mexico

USA065 - Smithsonite - Kelly Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro Co., New Mexico #1USA065 - Smithsonite - Kelly Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro Co., New Mexico #2USA065 - Smithsonite - Kelly Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro Co., New Mexico #3USA065 - Smithsonite - Kelly Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro Co., New Mexico #4

Superb miniature exhibiting the classic Kelly blue-green color. The smithsonite thickly coats the matrix and is fully translucent. The display faces are undamaged; the edges of the specimen show the signs of extraction. Ex. George White Collection. 4.8 x 3.9 x 3.3 cm.

Price: $400.00
387.44 £322.96 ¥60,938