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Gem065 - Grossular with Tanzanite - Merelani Hills, Umba Valley, Lelatema Mts, Arusha Region, Tanzania

Gem065 - Grossular with Tanzanite - Merelani Hills, Umba Valley, Lelatema Mts, Arusha Region, Tanzania #1Gem065 - Grossular with Tanzanite - Merelani Hills, Umba Valley, Lelatema Mts, Arusha Region, Tanzania #2

Sharp crystal of "mint" grossular garnet with a crude 7 mm tanzanite crystal! The grossular is a partial floater and is a superb crystal for the locality. In addition, the grossular has top color and good transparency. 1.9 x 1.9 x 1.1 cm.

Price: $800.00
776.72 £654.88 ¥125,631