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Min030 - Scorodite - Hemerdon Mine, Tavistock, Devon, England

Min030 - Scorodite - Hemerdon Mine, Tavistock, Devon, England #1Min030 - Scorodite - Hemerdon Mine, Tavistock, Devon, England #2Min030 - Scorodite - Hemerdon Mine, Tavistock, Devon, England #3
Rich miniature specimen of greyish blue scorodite.  There are two main pockets of crystals, with the larger measuring about 2.4 x 1.6 cm.  The scorodite crystals measure to about 1.5 mm.  4.3 x 3.8 x 2.9 cm.
Price: $200.00
185.24 £154.40 ¥30,127