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Min702 - Primary Malachite with Calcite - Onganja Mine, Seeis, Windhoek Dist., Namibia

Min702 - Primary Malachite with Calcite - Onganja Mine, Seeis, Windhoek Dist., Namibia #1Min702 - Primary Malachite with Calcite - Onganja Mine, Seeis, Windhoek Dist., Namibia #2Min702 - Primary Malachite with Calcite - Onganja Mine, Seeis, Windhoek Dist., Namibia #3
Superb miniature of blocky primary malachite crystals with contrasting clear calcite. The deep green crystals measure to 1.0 cm and have excellent luster for the species. The clear calcite provides an aesthetic contrast. The calcite crystals are included with an unidentified blue mineral. An older specimen with a Baskin & Sons label showing a $65 price. 3.2 x 3.2 x 2.1 cm.
Price: $200.00
193.72 £161.48 ¥30,469