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USA060 - Native Silver with Copper - Houghton County, Michigan

USA060 - Native Silver with Copper - Houghton County, Michigan #1USA060 - Native Silver with Copper - Houghton County, Michigan #2USA060 - Native Silver with Copper - Houghton County, Michigan #3USA060 - Native Silver with Copper - Houghton County, Michigan #4USA060 - Native Silver with Copper - Houghton County, Michigan #5

This classic "halfbreed" specimen from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is mostly comprised of crude silver crystals. There are also a few nice crystals of copper. This specimen has not been chemically cleaned so it retains the original patina. 7.2 x 4.1 x 3.4 cm.

Price: $1,200.00
1,162.32 £968.88 ¥182,813