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USA128 - Cuprian Powellite and Azurite - 3460' Level, Carlota Mine, Globe-Miami District, Gila County, Arizona

USA128 - Cuprian Powellite and Azurite - 3460' Level, Carlota Mine, Globe-Miami District, Gila County, Arizona #1USA128 - Cuprian Powellite and Azurite - 3460' Level, Carlota Mine, Globe-Miami District, Gila County, Arizona #2USA128 - Cuprian Powellite and Azurite - 3460' Level, Carlota Mine, Globe-Miami District, Gila County, Arizona #3USA128 - Cuprian Powellite and Azurite - 3460' Level, Carlota Mine, Globe-Miami District, Gila County, Arizona #4


At the 2010 Tucson TGMS show, Evan Jones had a number of specimens from the Carlota Mine which were mined in October 2009. This was the best specimen of powellite he had so I purchased it immediately! Powellite is quite rare from Arizona, with only a few localities mentioned in Mineralogy of Arizona. An uncommon secondary mineral (calcium molybdate), it usually forms from altered molybdenite. The largest powellite crystals on this specimen are about 1.5 mm. It fluoresces a bright green under short-wave UV. An excellent, very rich specimen for Arizona. 5.3 x 4.7 x 3.7 cm.

Price: $900.00
833.58 £694.80 ¥135,571